Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Optimized Search

     Technology runs the world today. From households to businesses, people are dependent upon the tools and components of technology. People are surrounded by Bluetooth, Blackberry’s, IPods, and the latest gadgetry to make their lives more entertaining and efficient. With the world so plugged into the future, it is important for businesses to keep up with the demands of their customers. The internet has allowed businesses to connect with people on all levels, instantly catering to their needs. But, the question becomes how to gain online customers. Not only do businesses need to get traffic to their web sites, they need to keep potential customers returning. Competition is fierce, prices are high, and the failure rate is staggering.

So begins the cyber-race, and in this high-tech world, search engine ranking is what can make or break the deal. Search engine optimization has become an important tool in business. The type of search engine optimization used and the advantages of using it become clearer as one examines the purpose of search engine optimization.

    Search engine optimization, or SEO, starts with the collecting of data from competitors and potential customer groups. This data is analyzed and used to create compelling content for web sites geared to the wants and needs of potential customers. Search engines like Google and MSN use this information to measure the usefulness of a site to those searching the internet. In turn, the search engines rank web sites by the relevance of their content. When a potential customer types ‘rustic furniture’ into a search engine, the first five businesses listed are the most likely to gain sales. This ranking is a direct result of search engine optimization. The end goal is to be in the top search engine results for a chosen market.

    There are several approaches to achieving a desired ranking. Organic SEO relies solely on pertinent information and useful interactive content to improve rankings. Pay-per-click programs and sponsored ads both use the placement of paid links in related searches to attract site traffic. The advantage to organic SEO is the price. A business owner can implement SEO themselves for free. Pay programs can cost businesses thousands of dollars each month but can often reach a wider audience.

    Any type of search engine optimization can be helpful to a business, but the question is how much time and money an owner can afford to put into a SEO campaign. The biggest advantage to starting a SEO campaign is increased sales. More and more people shop online for clothing, house wares – even cars. Very few people see an advantage in driving around for a good deal anymore.  While employing a full-time web developer can be costly, the internet has allowed small businesses to produce revenue with very little start up cost, versus brick-and-mortar shops that employ dozens of employees requiring benefits, and pay expensive building leases.

    Regardless of if a business chooses to use only a web site to drive sales, or as an addition to its established store, the internet has opened up opportunities for all businesses. Search engine optimization can make the most of a web site by improving the quality of its content and helping customers find what they are searching for. The technology that exists to make life easier can also make it more complicated, but with careful understanding businesses can implement a search engine optimization campaign that is successful and lucrative.

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